Publisher Description
Tiny Frontiers: Revised is here! All new art, expanded and revised rules, and all new micro-settings come together with the minimalist TinyD6 rule system for a revision of the bestselling minimalist space opera roleplaying game!
Powered by the TinyD6 engine, with streamlined mechanics that utilize only one to three single six-sided dice on every action, characters that can be written 3x5 notecard, and easy to understand and teach rules, Tiny Frontiers: Revised is great for all groups, ages, and experience levels!
TinyD6, Tiny Frontiers: Revised - Rules SummaryCollapse
Character Creation [ edit ]
One of Alan Bahr's goals in creating the Tiny D6 system was to be able to fit an entire character sheet on a single index card. This should give some indication of exactly how "rules light" Tiny D6 truly is.
To create a character in Tiny D6 you simply decide four things:
- their three "traits" (ie. class abilities)
- their heritage (ie. race)
- their "drive", which is somewhat similar to an alignment, eg. "No one harms my city"
- the gear they are carrying
That's it: creation is expected to take less than 20 minutes.
Core Mechanics [ edit ]
To succeed at an action in Tiny D6 you roll 2d6, and must get a 5 or a 6 to succeed. This is known as a "test". If the test is at a disadvantage you only roll one die, and if you instead have an advantage you roll 3d6.
For instance, if one of your traits is relevant to the action, you gain an advantage to the roll, and get to roll 3d6. Because the entire game revolves around this system, 3d6 is the most dice you need to play.
Combat [ edit ]
As you might expect, combat in Tiny D6 is handled as a series of these tests. Combat goes in rounds, with initiative set through a test. Each round the character gets two actions, and a successful attack normally does only a single point of damage (most characters have <10 hit points).